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La mindfulness en entreprise: bien-être et performance

image livre steiler bien etre travail

Jean Cottraux

Dominique Steiler

Editeur : Masson

Série: Médecine et psychothérapie

Publication: 01/2012



La psychologie positive est l'étude scientifique de ce qui rend la vie digne d'être vécue. Ses trois thèmes fondamentaux sont les expériences subjectives positives, les traits positifs de caractère, et les institutions positives. Appliquée au développement du bien-être au travail, la psychologie positive apporte un cadre conceptuel novateur aux TCC (thérapies comportementales et cognitives).

Cet ouvrage international, à la fois théorique et pratique, montre comment changer les relations humaines en favorisant la mise place d'un leadership positif. Il explique en détail les méthodes de prévention des risques psychosociaux que peuvent être en particulier le stress, le burnout, la dépression et l'anxiété. Il montre aussi comment se servir de méthodes comme la pleine conscience (mindfulness), la cohérence cardiaque, l'analyse fonctionnelle, l'affirmation de soi, et la thérapie du bien-être, pour résoudre les conflits, aider les personnes à risque et augmenter la performance.

L'application au quotidien de la psychologie positive et des TCC représente une réponse pragmatique aux défis que lance un monde du travail trop souvent routinier et déshumanisé.



Mindfulness as a mediator between the effective and the ethical manager


image livre business ethicsBusiness Ethics
A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World
Editions: Routledge
Publication: 29 juin 2012

Chapitre de livre

« Mindfulness as a mediator between the effective and the ethical manager »
Business Ethics
Events such as Trafigura's illegal dumping of toxic waste in Côte d’Ivoire and BP's environmentally disastrous oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have highlighted ethical issues in international business at a time when business leaders, academics and business schools were reflecting on their own responsibilities following the global financial crisis. The scope and scale of the global operations of multinational businesses means that decisions taken in different parts of the world have far reaching consequences beyond the national settings where employees are located or where firms are registered and as such, an awareness of these responsibilities needs to be integrated into all levels and all subjects.
Using four guiding principles – a critical multi-level approach rooted in the tradition of European social theory, a comparative and international perspective, a global rather than just a European or American stand point and engaging with subject-specific issues this book aims to 'mainstream' business ethics into the work of teachers and students in business schools. This comprehensive volume brings together contributions from a range of experts in different areas of business studies thereby facilitating and encouraging a move away from business ethics being a box to be ticked to being an integrated consideration across the business disciplines.
This impressive book brings ethical considerations back to the heart of the business curriculum and in doing so, provides a companion for the progressive business student throughout their university career.


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